Shutters for Winter Warmth

Shutters for Winter Warmth

With winter approaching it is a good time to consider how your window furnishings can help insulate your home. Plantation shutters provide excellent insulation. The timber provides an additional barrier to the cold and the space between the window and the shutter...
Shutters I Installed In Warriewood – Now 12 Years Old!

Shutters I Installed In Warriewood – Now 12 Years Old!

Last week, I measured and quoted for new awnings in Warriewood. The measure and quote was for a new client, but when I got there, I realised that I had actually installed shutters in the house 12 years ago! I’m very pleased to say that the shutters still look great....
This New Awning

This New Awning

This new awning on the Northern Beaches attracted a lot of attention from the local birds. The awning is motorised as the window is very high and there is a fixed fly screen that prevents access from the inside. The awning can completely retract up into the headbox....
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